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İSMAİL YILMAZ (1989) lives and works in Ankara.
He studied Labor Economics and Industrial Relations at Anadolu University. As a self-taught photographer, he focuses on the body, existence and nature-human relationship.
His works have been exhibited at ‘Recto-Verso‘, C.A.M. Gallery, İstanbul (2021); ‘Olympos Exhibitions II - Landscape’, İstanbul (2021); Mamut Art Project, İstanbul (2019) and ‘Düğüm’, Ka Atelier, Ankara (2018).
He has attended several workshops such as ‘Bitmeyen Atölye’ by Orhan Cem Çetin, Ka Atelier (2018); ‘70’lerden Bugüne Fotoğrafta Güncel Trendler’ by GAPO, Ka Atelier (2017); ‘Pankromatika’, Ka Atelier (2017) and ‘Açık Atölye’ by Oğuz Karakütük, Ka Atelier (2016).
He is an affiliate of PLATFORM by GAPO.
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